Sunday, March 11, 2007


“Many forms of slavery persist; including forced and bonded labour, child labour and slavery for ritual or religious purposes. The world is also now wrestling with a new form of slavery-trafficking in human beings, in which many vulnerable people are virtually abandoned by legal and social systems into a sordid realm of exploitation and abuse.” (Kofi Annan Dec 2005).

March 2007 will see a world-wide network of events using the bicentary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade to raise awareness of the plight of the growing number of people trafficked in the world today-for labour or sex.

Locally, there will be a series of meetings and events, stalls and stunts including symbolic balloon and dove releases and a high profile ecumenical service on March 21st at 7.30pm at St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich. As well as prayer and reflection, musical and multimedia presentations, there will be a range of speakers including Rev Dr Carrie Pemberton from CHASTE (Churches Alert to Sex Trafficking Across Europe) and a representative from Norfolk Police for an overview of the current situation locally. Also involved are (amongst others) Norwich Youth for Christ, YMCA, Christian Aid, the Magdalene Project and Salvation Army. Please join us and get involved in our call for action.

For further information about local events, contact Rev Simon Wilson (Diocesan Social and Community Concerns Co-ordinator) on 01362 683275 or email

To add your voice to the international campaigns on these issues, visit: or